For the first time in history, 12 international tasters connect virtually to grade Coffees from Puerto Rico
Coffee Growers

For the first time in history, 12 international tasters connect virtually to grade Coffees from Puerto Rico

With the purpose of continuing exposing Puerto Rican coffee to different parts of the world, we got together with the renowned Belgian Q Grader, Kim Ossenblok, to carry out the first virtual intern...
Single Variety Marsellesa from San Sebastián
Coffee Growers

Single Variety Marsellesa from San Sebastián

When we have to talk about coffee growers in Puerto Rico who are constantly experimenting with their fermentation processes, without a doubt, the name of  Jimmy González must be mentioned. Papamin...
Try one of the fewest coffees still grown in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Coffee Growers

Try one of the fewest coffees still grown in Ponce, Puerto Rico

Café Abuelo Domingo from Hacienda La Mocha is an exclusive label for Cuela, but that's not cool part. What is formidable about this coffee is that it comes from one of the few farms that still pro...
Specialty Coffee Roast in Puerto Rico is in Good Hands
Coffee Growers

Specialty Coffee Roast in Puerto Rico is in Good Hands

Today I come to talk to you about two people that I appreciate very much and I want you to know who they are. I come to talk about Eduardo Trabada and Gabriel Beachump. The first time I sat down t...
La Casona, a coffee full of Family Inspiration
Coffee Growers

La Casona, a coffee full of Family Inspiration

Coffee farmer Artemio Valentín has been cultivating and harvesting excellent coffee since 1989. Every time we include a new coffee in Cuela, it motivates us a lot, and especially with this one, be...