When we have to talk about coffee growers in Puerto Rico who are constantly experimenting with their fermentation processes, without a doubt, the name of Jimmy González must be mentioned. Papamin Coffee Farms are located in the Calabaza neighborhood of San Sebastián and you will find Arabica Varieties such as Limaní, Obatá and Marsellesa

Jimmy González, Coffee grower of Café Papamín from San Sebastián
The Marsellesa variety comes from a strain native of Nicaragua and was brought to Puerto Rico after the great impact of Hurricane Maria, which devastated 90% of the production on the island. When Jimmy saw this opportunity, he wanted to work an entire segmentation with Marsellesa in order to assure to his clients a cup of a single variety. For as long as I've known Jimmy, this has been standard practice on his farm. He is a strict coffee grower and obsessed with organization who enjoys segmenting his farms by varieties and his lots by processes and roasting profiles.
According to a conversation with Jimmy, the Marsellesa assures us a balanced cup with a creamy body, citric acidity and honey fragrance. The process he works with this coffee is washed fermentation and a medium roast. Due to the notes that are perceived in this coffee, Jimmy recommends to enjoy this coffee in the espresso method.
For more information and to learn more about the different products of Café Papamín go to San Sebastián Coffees